Kindness & Generosity
We would love to hear from you and your experiences.
We urge you to contact us with an email that tells us of your recent experience as a tipper or as a receiver of a tip. You can share your experience on Instagram, Facebook.
Questions for Tip giver.
First name only
Business name?
How did you hear about this?
What prompted you to do this?
If you saw it, what was the reaction of the server?
How did it feel?
Would you do this again?
Questions for Tip receiver
First name?
Did you need this tip?
How did it make you feel?
Would you ever do this for others?
Note to the Press
We do not answer emails requesting interviews about this movement. We wish to remain anonymous and simply offer a mechanism where anyone can participate in this movement. We did not begin this movement but rather heard of a street preacher named Todd White that does this all the time as a way to help others. He deserves the recognition as we only created a formal movement to continue his concept on a much larger scale.
We do encourage you as a reporter to engage in this activity yourself.